Welcome - "experiment, discover, surprise oneself..."
In addition to the skill in using clay, bronze and other mataerials, these words form the core and the driving force behind my work . In an uncompromising way, I try again and again to push the boundaries of design with these materials. The surface design of objects and sculptures is my "playground" and I am surprised, almost every time, by the results .
You might be surprised by my selection of the work, but you may also discover an object or sculpture that appeals to you, and that suits both you and your space...
This website is mainly in German, but we welcome all visitors and hope that you can appreciate the works shown. I am able to communicate in English (and have an English secretary if all else fails...), so if you have any questions, comments or plans to visit Limburg, then please feel free to phone or to write a Mail in English - we also drink tea, sometimes with milk, and enjoy shortbread biscuits..
Rolf Röder
Scuplture + Ceramics